India is a buy on dip market

Currently, the market sentiment is very positive, and any . . . .

18 June 2024 · Tuesday

Good evening, WeekendInvestor

Today’s Daily Byte

Regarding market direction, the Nifty crawled up 0.39%, continuing the upward trend of the last five to six sessions. Today was another day of gradual gains, with the difference being that we maintained the gains until the end. It was a gap-up and a slight continuation on the higher side. The gains on Nifty were not strong, but credit is due to the bulls for maintaining this trajectory, effectively sending the bears into hibernation for now.

Another day, another bump up in the markets with small caps doing much better than large caps. The topic of the day is cashing in on India's $5 trillion surge.

Reading Time : 4 Minutes

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India is a buy on dip market

Nifty index, which represents the top 50 companies listed on the National Stock Exchange of India, has shown remarkable resilience over the past decade. This is evident from the recovery data after significant single-day falls of 5% or more since 2014.

In the last ten years, the Nifty index has experienced seven instances of single-day drops greater than 5%. The first notable fall occurred in August 2015, when the index dropped by 5.9%. It took more than 210 trading days, or almost nine months, to recover from this decline.. . . . .

Reading Time : 3 Minutes

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Fund Flows Rule!

Recent reports indicate a significant surge in fund inflows in May. Small cap fund inflows rose by about 500 crore, mid cap funds increased even more, and large cap funds nearly doubled. In contrast, ELSS funds saw an outflow.

This highlights the crucial role of fund flows in market dynamics. When funds flow into the market, prices generally rise. Conversely, when funds move out, prices tend to fall, regardless of other factors.. . . . .

Reading Time : 3 Minutes

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